Active Citizen Programme in University of Moratuwa is offered through two modules. While there are slight differences in delivery and assessment, necessitated by needs of each faculty, the module contents remain same for faculties across the university.
First Module is focused on development of social skills among students through workshops delivered by trained faculty with support of external facilitators where necessary and/or beneficial. This module is named Responsible Citizenship in Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of IT, while the same is named Facilitation in Faculty of Architecture.
Second module is a Social Action Project (SAP) to be executed by the students under supervision of trained faculty. This module is name Active Citizens across all faculties.
Module Title: Responsible Citizenship / Facilitation
Credits: 2
On completion of this module the student should be able to;
– explain how social actions can have a impact on the lives of people
– explain the need to acknowledge, respect and engage communities and cultures for long term benefit of all
– identify the impact of their actions to sustainable development
– illustrate interdependency and be socially responsible
Me: Identity and culture
– Self-confidence
– Self-awareness
– Formation, expressions and changes of identities and cultures
– Differences in perspectives
Me and You: Intercultural Dialogue
– Dialogue: how and when it can be used
– Dialogue to support learn and share
We: Local and global commitments
– Community and connections between local and global community
– Key stakeholders in the community
– Social development issue to address in the community
– Motivation to act toward sustainable development
Planning social action
Skills in project planning and management
Module Title: Active Citizens
Credits: 2
On completion of this module, the student should be able to;
– identify social actions that can have a significant impact on the lives of people
– facilitate community engagement for long term benefit of all
– demonstrate the impact of their actions to the sustainable development
– evaluate the impact of their social action projects
Identification of social actions
– Problem identification, assessment of need, formulation of expected outcomes.
Planning of social action
– Planning a real life social action project
Delivery of social action
– Adaption of
– – Me: Identity and culture
– – Me and You: Intercultural Dialogue
– – We: Local and global commitments
– Management of social action project
Self-evaluation and reporting of social action